With increasing age, hip joints are more prone to fractures due to weakening if bone and osteoporosis. A slight jerk or fall can cause hip fractures leaving the patient unable to stand and walk owing to severe pain, bruising and swelling in the hip area. The treatment includes partial or total hip replacement surgeries by competent surgeons. Visit YK Orthopaedics for an expert opinion.
Like other joints of the body, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis cause hip joints to suffer from numerous ailments which impair normal gait and make patients to experience great difficulties. A good treatment under the care of an expert physician can alleviate the severe pain condition of patients. At YK Orthopaedics, we provide targeted treatments for decreased pain and improved functional status such as PRP Injection along with the other treatment options.
Pain in buttocks, lower back and one or both legs might indicate Sacroiliitis which is the inflammation of a joint between lower spine and hip region on one or both sides. It may occur due to trauma, arthritis or infection. This condition needs an immediate check-up as pain can become worse by prolonged standing or stair climbing.
Suffering from the symptoms? We have a cure for you. Visit us for more information.
Feel pain or soreness on the outer side of your hip when you lean on that side? This indicates Trochanteric Bursitis which is the inflammation of the fluid-filled cushion (Trochanteric Bursa) on the outer edge of your hip. This may be caused by injuries due to fall, spine problems, arthritis and others. Pain can worsen and radiate down the thigh(s) and one should seek advice from an orthopaedic surgeon soon for the treatment of the condition.
At YK Orthopaedics, besides the traditional pain relief medicines and corticosteroid, special therapies are offered according to the severity of condition.